SOLD-Unique agriculture in beautiful position with panoramic view

Property ID : LW-VL-1

Wernberg / Near Villach /  Carinthia / Austria

Description: This agriculture with a plot size of 27.152 sqm is located in idyllic position at the mountain Sternberg. The property is composed of 5 buildings, the residence, the carport-outbuilding, another outbuilding, a stable and a shelter for horses.
Location: Wernberg


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In case of purchase following additional expenses become due from the purchase price:

3,5 % tax on real estate transactions, 1,1 % free for the land register entry, 3,0% commission + 20 % tax,
contract-establishment-cost for notary or lawyer


The data presented come from the owner and/or third parties and are collected with care. However, no liability is assumed for the correctness and completeness. Figures may optionally be rounded or estimated. The statement of intent is non-binding. Errors and changes are reserved.

Die angegebenen Daten stammen vom Eigentümer und/oder Dritten und wurden mit Sorgfalt erhoben. Für die Richtigkeit und Vollständigkeit kann jedoch keine Haftung übernommen werden. Zahlenangaben können gegebenenfalls gerundet oder geschätzt sein. Das Anbot ist freibleibend und unverbindlich. Irrtümer und Änderungen sind vorbehalten.

Immobilien Consulting